Adam W

Adam W Pro

Favorite films

  • Changeling
  • Million Dollar Baby
  • Se7en
  • Parasite

Recent activity

  • Source Code


  • The Killer


  • Nightcrawler


  • Leave No Trace


Recent reviews

  • The Good Lie

    The Good Lie


    The first half hour drags down an otherwise solid movie. The film begins with a long title card and then spends 30 mins showing everything that the title card established. Even aside from the redundancy, this opening section was slow and the child actors were pretty bad.
    Once it moves past that section though, the movie picks up and the fish out of water scenes are cute and fun. The cinematography and editing never gets very good, but the story…

  • Magnolia



    A bold epic filled with masterful storytelling.
    Most of this film works spectacularly well, in the cinematography, writing, acting, and editing. It is immensely impressive that this over 3 hour film never feels slow and remains engrossing for most of its runtime. The characters are well-defined, layered and connected in interesting ways, and several of the story beats are tremendously effective. That is why it pains me that that some pieces of the plot don’t get tied up all the…

Popular reviews

  • Burning


    'Burning' is like a puzzle being built in slow motion, except the puzzle never gets completed, half the pieces laid out don’t contribute to it at all, the picture attempting to be built isn’t particularly interesting, and the whole things takes an incredibly long time.
    The main character Lee Jong-Su was underwhelming in writing and acting. He is ineffectual and uninteresting for the entire runtime. He also has no discernible chemistry with his love-interest Hae-Mi, despite what the dialogue occasionally…

  • Wonder Woman

    Wonder Woman


    This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
