this is so funny. i didnt like when it took itself seriously tho,
the ending is a little to crazy so that drags it down, if the second half was toned down a bit it would be so much better.
this is so funny. i didnt like when it took itself seriously tho,
the ending is a little to crazy so that drags it down, if the second half was toned down a bit it would be so much better.
my favorite movie of all time, oliver is a dick but thats the point. every character besides lloyd sucks in a funny way. the movie is really funny though, like you gotta pause and rewind to hear again. im don't know much about lighting and cinematogophy but i know a funny movie when i see one, plus the coming of age factors into it hard and makes me (a teenage boy) not feel so alone while watching it. if only it wasnt from the uk