
Barblenap Pro

Favorite films

  • Inception
  • Design for Living
  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
  • Solaris

Recent activity

  • The Silence of the Lambs


  • Exhuma


  • Chime


  • Suspiria


Recent reviews

  • The Silence of the Lambs

    The Silence of the Lambs


    Incredible just how influential this film is. You watch it and realise just how much of the next few decades of cinema owe it a huge debt. Great performances, very good pacing, doesn't feel too long, is never wasting your time. For me, personally it's not absolute top tier. Primarily because I need Anthony Hopkins to be about 10% less camp, but also because some of the plotting is a bit too coincidental if you think about it (is there…

  • Exhuma



    Too long, too much. The ritual scenes early on are extremely strong, but there is no elegant simplicity to this film, no golden thread, no single strong theme or idea or motif. As it keeps going it shows you more and more of a monster whose every reveal only disappoints and underwhelms. Maybe it works for aficionados of Korean/Japanese mythos and history, maybe it really hits for those with more patience for occult rules and concepts that are overly elaborated without being particularly compelling. Really wanted to like it but was oh so bored for the final hour or so.

Popular reviews

  • Cannibal Mukbang

    Cannibal Mukbang


    One of those indie films whose charm and passion totally makes up for some pretty significant flaws. Fundamentally it's a very weird romance with a strong manic pixie dream girl element, dressed up in b-movie horror trappings. The romance stuff is absolutely wonderful, both leads are excellent and the chemistry is pitch perfect. The female lead is unbelievably magnetic and sexy, I fell totally in love. The flaws: some uneven writing, and occasional bad acting. Ultimately the romance stuff is stronger than the horror stuff. This movie had me wrapped around its little finger from start to end.

  • Strange Darling

    Strange Darling


    I am not sure I know how to exist in a world where people seem not to understand - intuitively, instinctively - that this is a fake movie. It is a soulless, artless, uncanny valley copy of a copy of a copy of a passable b-movie. It opens with an achingly awful opening crawl that was so bad that I wrote it off as ironic, telling myself I'd surely get the joke a little later. But no, that's just the…