

20 something living cinema in the Big Smoke. BFI member. Prince Charles newbie. Met an Oscar winner at the Rio.

Favorite films

  • Grizzly Man
  • The Dark Knight
  • Dawn of the Dead
  • Back to the Future

Recent activity

  • The Little Mermaid


  • The Dark Knight


  • Beauty and the Beast


  • Almost Famous


Recent reviews

  • The Little Mermaid

    The Little Mermaid


    I missed the last half due to falling asleep but these Disney renaissance animated musical films are like catnip to me. Would like to rewatch them all.

  • The Dark Knight

    The Dark Knight


    Practically a perfect film - watched on the flight from london to Chicago - although a fell asleep for the final act. What really shone through this time, and its a theme I’m still getting to grips with despite my umpteenth watch, is the focus on Harvey Dent as this kind of false white knight in response to terrorism, and how the film effectively justifies dictatorships and philosopher kings in times of crisis. On reflection joker and batman also reflect these styles of leadership. Jim Gordon does not. A post 9/11 film indeed. An excellent film indeed.

Popular reviews

  • Inside Out 2

    Inside Out 2



  • Doubt



    Perfect script. Perfect performances. Perfect doubts. The wind and the Dutch angles are the campest things about this movie.

    “I HAVE SO MANY DOUBTS” is my new catchphrase
