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★★★★★ Watched 15 Mar 2024
uma obra de arte apenas um dos meus fav de mh
★★ Watched 12 Nov 2023
definitivamente um dos filmes ja feitos
★★½ Watched 24 Mar 2023
★ Watched 05 May 2023
"I'm bulletproof, nothing to loseFire away, fire awayRicochet, you take your aimFire away, fire awayYou shoot me down, but I won't fallI am titaniumYou shoot me down, but I won't fallI am titanium"
"I'm bulletproof, nothing to loseFire away, fire awayRicochet, you take your aimFire away, fire away
You shoot me down, but I won't fallI am titaniumYou shoot me down, but I won't fallI am titanium"