save me chel... chel save me...
a deeply terrifyingly-real depiction of relationships that offers a chance of reflection for those both in a relationship and those who currently aren’t. as somebody who’s the former, it reinvigorates the thoughts around how valued that aspect of your life is like no other piece of media ever has. other movies, TV shows, or video games have offered a look at relationships, but not in a way that elicits as much emotion as this.
on top the outstanding script, it…
this too me is just a slightly cooler version of man of steel. it's still shit and a fundamental misunderstanding of the titular characters, but at least batman is here.
ben affleck, even if his batman fucking murders people and he's in a bad movie, is/could be a good batman and bruce wayne. i like his look, i like his grizzled attitude as an older batman, and i like his action a lot, especially that warehouse scene. however, batman does…
very much not what i was expecting, and i mean that in a somewhat derogatory way.
i just couldn't really grab onto a whole lot. the primary relationship, the main conflict, pretty much anything to do with mark rufflalo, it just didn't really work for me.
i didn't really love the performances either. i get they were trying to be completely over the top but when trying to mix it with the dramatic elements i just made me kinda check…
maybe the best looking movie i have ever seen. so much visual flare and colour and perfect framing i just want to live there and have my life look and feel like this.
also maybe some of the most likeable protagonists i've seen in a while. ralph fines gives maybe one of my favourite performances ever? tony revolori shocked me by how endearing he was. everybody is portraying things perfectly, and the hitting every dramatic and comedic bit perfectly. every…
i was on board for a kinda shitty overly-campy student film with grotesque body horror. and i was kinda getting that.
then a woman got her clothes removed and raped by a tree.
the movie did not improve from that moment.
i’m all for campy horror but this movie was wack. there needs to be some semblance of substance for me to give a shit, and there just wasn’t any.