

Favorite films

  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
  • In Her Shoes
  • Over the Garden Wall
  • Harold and Maude

Recent activity

  • Mickey 17


  • Shallow Hal

  • Notting Hill


  • Conclave

Recent reviews

  • Mickey 17

    Mickey 17


    Un film qui dit que les états unis c'est fucked et Donald Trump ferait mieux de crever gagne deja énormément de sympathie de ma part. Après le film est mauvais et c'est dommage

  • Shallow Hal

    Shallow Hal

    I hate rom coms, they're so bad and poorly written. It seems like it's trying to make a point about fat shaming and inner beauty, but it's so poorly written and made that it comes across as the exact opposite. Possibly my least favorite film directors of all time

Popular reviews

  • Meet the Leroys

    Meet the Leroys


    Le père il est pas déconstruit, c’est un meuble Leroy Merlin et pas IKEA ou quoi ? (C’est une blague)

    (A par ça c’était vraiment un bon moment)

  • Conclave


    Cursing in Latin and saying "Judas you betrayed me" before storming off is what's missing to my game