Bay Street Video

Bay Street Video HQ

Toronto's biggest and best spot for Blu-ray, UHD, and DVD rental & sales for 30 years and counting! Long live physical media!


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Undoubtedly one of the all-time great debut performances. Rest in peace Émilie Dequenne

A PROPER Irish film!

Someone's having a special day...

theme thursday!

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Boomers will still go out of thier way to describe this is exactly how their walk to school went.

The first six seals were fine. Perfectly good seals. But the seventh—Lucky, they called him—could balance a beach ball on his nose. The people of Bergman Island danced with joy.

Robert Mitchum is Delancey. John Delancey. Crossing him was their first, and last, mistake.

Martin Landau and Woody Allen are two toughs as nails NYC cops. As their retirement nears, they fear they'll never solve all the crimes... let alone all the misdemeanors.