
Bazz2003 Pro

Favorite films

  • The Shining
  • Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory
  • Billy Elliot
  • GoodFellas

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  • Shrek 2


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  • Shrek


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Recent reviews

  • Signs



    Movie traumatised me as a kid so much that some of the scenes still live rent free in my mind. I never wanted to watch again when I got older in fear it was not  gonna be as scary as I remember and it really wasn’t but it does a have a cool creepy mystery vibe that I love. The subtle sound effects instead of loud jumpscares works very well and the acting and characters are amazing. I was thrown…

  • Shrek



    Movie is actually hilarious and so fun to watch. It’s very short and goes by really quick but that just makes this like the perfect kids movie. The animation is a little rough but it just adds a charm to the movie.

Popular reviews

  • Companion



    Sophie thatcher really does stand out in this and has an awesome character. Most of the other characters feel kinda forgettable but there not the worst. Jack quaid does a good job as well. I like the story and it’s pretty dark but parts did just drag.

  • Nosferatu



    The acting is great in this they all do such a great job but this movie really wasn’t it at all for me. I just didn’t really care for the characters at all they just weren’t interesting and It just didn’t feel right all of them having British accents in a German town. The visuals look good and theres some really decent shots but most of the time it feels like it’s the same shot used over and over, the…
