

i rate movies based on enjoyability

Favorite films

  • Eyes Wide Shut
  • Suzanne’s Career
  • Beauty and the Beast
  • Anatomy of Hell

Recent activity

  • Death on the Nile


  • The Perfect Candidate


  • Wonka


  • The Weekend Away


Recent reviews

  • Death on the Nile

    Death on the Nile


    as the typical kenneth branagh movie, this too has the god awful pacing!
     i enjoyed murder on the orient express and haunting in venice, even though this wasn’t fast paced like the others, it was extremely messy with an incoherent plot. characters weren’t well developed at all and besides the cinematography (which looks cartoon ish but i don’t hate it) this was pretty poorly made

  • The Perfect Candidate

    The Perfect Candidate


    ridicularizare relativ fără sens, care mi se pare ca e făcută în grabă pentru a fi considerată un fel de statement. plină de glume tipice filmelor românești pe care chiar nu o urăsc, poate fii amuzantă dar e mai rar!!
    dacă te uiți la film fără un neapărat rost și fără a te prea gândi la politică e un film bun

Popular reviews

  • Anatomy of Hell

    Anatomy of Hell


    not a film for everyone because i’m sure plenty of people don’t want to watch two people drinking a cup of period blood and graphic sexual scenes but regardless of that, i didn’t think it would have such a low rating.
    i think what matters most in a romance movie/book is the dynamic between the two and breillat’s repulsive (or realistic) portrayal of man and woman dynamics and sexual awareness is pretty well done and i did actually like to see the graphic visuals as you never really have such raw shots in movies anymore

  • Kill Bill: Vol. 2

    Kill Bill: Vol. 2


    shogun assassin was my movie choice as well when i was 4 years old!!
