Tik Tok has destroyed my attention span to watch movies
Can’t watch movies without playing Candy Crush
I loved Dora as a child but in this movie she is really insufferable and annoying. Like it’s kinda the point, I get it, but you can see where Diego’s frustrations come from.
I like the trippy cartoon part that connected it to the original show.
I enjoy watching this movie, it’s fun and colourful in more ways than one..
The nostalgia is unreal.
I know this film word by word.
Wow. I’ve just spent the entire weekend rewatching this whole franchise. I am in love again.
Now looking back at the first couple of films, it’s like a different set of movies in comparison as they’re all so different. I don’t remember Harry Potter having so many emotional scenes but here we are. Why did so many good guys have to die it just isn’t fair!
This is just an exceptionally stunning, marvellous and outstanding set of films I cannot…