
beejam Patron

Follow me for mediocre film reviews!!!

Favorite films

  • Whiplash
  • Parasite
  • Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion
  • The Social Network

Recent activity

  • Your Monster


  • SLC Punk


  • Fight Club


  • Black Bag


Recent reviews

  • Your Monster

    Your Monster


    Didn't expect this to lean so much into the musical genre by the end but I absolutely loved it! The first half was just kinda fine and if it continued in that direction, it wouldn't be more that a 3/3.5. The later half was incredible and really sold me on the whole idea!

    With this and "Lisa Frankenstein" coming out in the same year, monster movies are back baby!!!!!

    Music March(?) #18 🐺🚪

  • SLC Punk

    SLC Punk


    Welcome to Watchlist Wednesday!! First up is something that been on my watch list since I started on Letterboxd, SLC Punk!!

    Great stuff, man!! I love everything about this. The vibes, the way every line is written, the music, the clothing ahh!!!

    I may be a poser cause I would also call The Smiths "terriff"

    Music March #17 🧷💉💊

Popular reviews

  • Fight Club

    Fight Club


    I saw a quote that said "I love Fight Club but I hate the people that love Fight Club"

    I hate that this movie gets such a bad reputation but the more I hear people talk about it, the more I agree. There is something that is amazing about this and the fact that the message some people get from this is to romanticize mental health issues is crazy to me.

    That being said, it's very good. Not my favorite Fincher Flick but some really solid performances in it and a great soundtrack!

  • Mickey 17

    Mickey 17


    Had an absolute blast with this! Political themes didn't stay too often and didn't feel preachy but were definitely appreciated!

    Why did this feel like a live action Ghibli film though?
    -protecting nature themes
    -crazy cast
    -little bug guys!!!!!!