

Writer. Filmmaker. Script reader. Waiting for Godard.

Favorite films

  • Hôtel Terminus: The Life and Times of Klaus Barbie
  • The Rules of the Game
  • High and Low
  • Masculin Féminin

Recent activity

  • Queer


  • The Substance


  • The Goldman Case


  • The Bride Wore Red


Recent reviews

  • Queer



    Pretty to look at and occasionally poignant but something's missing.

    I'm guessing the young lover reads as a complex character in the book but here he's dragging down the story and sometimes makes Daniel Craig look like he's throwing punches in the air. Not the actors' fault at all though.

    The locations don't look authentic either, they're like a generic idea of S. America on a vintage postcard. Maybe artificiality was the point here but this artificiality undermines the hallucinatory…

  • The Substance

    The Substance


    The premise of the story makes no sense. Demi Moore's character has nothing to gain from "being" a younger woman for x days at a time because she isn't that woman after all; she isn't aware of the younger woman's experiences, she doesn't experience the younger woman's success.

    The set-up of the story looks like there's some kind of interactivity between old self and new younger self, specifically, when the young guy at the doctor's office gives Moore the number…

Popular reviews

  • Poor Things

    Poor Things


    Poor Things is what you get when mainstream discussions about feminism are so skewed toward embracing shallow dichotomies while pushing aside complexities (of gender, class, race, or the line between pleasure and pain): you get ambitious, untalented people with nothing to say about anything but a great agent and lots of money to buy intellectual property and then market their pseudo-treatise on female sexual liberation to the masses.

    Years of “stop the mansplaining” even when men made valid political points…

  • Memories of Murder

    Memories of Murder


    The serial killer (a pseudo-criminological term promoted by ruthless media quacks) might very well be the most popular archetype of carceral mythology and fantastical copaganda. The serial killer genre has done tremendous social harm by lending credibility to this bogus term so that vain movie directors can show off their grim unsaturated compositions (look at all that craft! Forget that my ideas are bullshit!)

    The genre gets what it deserves in a film that confuses tragedy with operatic ridiculousness.
