RIP Gene Hackman
Pretty disappointed. Some just god awful casting and execution in this outside of the main character. Not gonna name any names but pretty obvious. Also im just not a skater so that could also be at play here.
I’m pretty speechless rn. Given what this film is based on it’s hard to walk away from this not humbled in some way. But from a film perspective….. this is some of the most ambitious work I’ve ever seen on screen. What a brilliant way to help you really experience this story and these characters. That’s the thing that pushes this to its own level. You get to experience this. Any award you wanted to give this idk how I’d disagree. More people need to see this because I feel like it’s seldom been mentioned among the top films from the year and it absolutely is.
This is the first movie since I’ve got this app that I’ve waited a day to write a review cuz I straight up couldn’t get my thoughts together. There’s a lot to tackle here but im gonna keep it simple cuz I don’t get paid for this unfortunately.
Brody deserved the Oscar without a doubt. Like no one came close. Good for him, the guy is very uniquely talented and he absolutely poured himself into this role.
The different shots…