

❌️ A Weeb
✅️ A fan of Hentai

Favorite films

  • How to Train Your Dragon
  • Cars
  • Jurassic Park
  • Hundreds of Beavers

Recent activity

  • The VelociPastor


  • Hotarubi no Mori e


  • Hero


  • 21


Recent reviews

  • The VelociPastor

    The VelociPastor


    "The Velocipastor" is about a pastor, who aquires the ability to turn into a velociraptor. We watch as he takes down the lawless ninja gang priests.

    The movie has everything you could want out of it, like dinousaurs for example. The final fight is one of the best scenes in cinema history, even better than the fight in "Avengers Endgame".
    He goes full on beast mode and absolutley fucks the other guys. Let's not forget about his banging hot girlfriend.…

  • Hotarubi no Mori e

    Hotarubi no Mori e


    It was actually pretty good.
    The thing I don't like is that he was kind of grooming her. There was obviously romantic feelings being at play, I would've preferred it if they were only platonic.

Popular reviews

  • Gayniggers from Outer Space

    Gayniggers from Outer Space


    Let's not beat around the bush, this movie is something special.
    Everything about it feels so... gay.
    It's about extraterrestrial gay homies from the planet Anal, who venture onto earth. Eradicating every women in sight. According to me, this is a very compelling plot.

    I also love the "subtle" racism. For example, when they go to Asia, the Asians talk gibberish. This depicts how hard it is to understand another language. The Russians are said to have an incomprehensible language…

  • Hero



    The fight scenes are as cool as they are over the top. It almost gives of anime vibes.

    The movie asks deep and meaningful questions: how much is a single man's pain worth compared to the pain of an entire nation.
