Benjamin Roberts

Benjamin Roberts

Favorite films

  • Moonlight
  • The Darjeeling Limited
  • Get Out

Recent activity

  • The Human Centipede 3 (Final Sequence)


  • The Human Centipede 2 (Full Sequence)


  • The Human Centipede (First Sequence)


  • Moonlight


Recent reviews


Popular reviews

  • (500) Days of Summer

    (500) Days of Summer


    “just because she likes the same bizarro crap you do doesn’t mean she’s your soulmate.”

    it’s hard to put into words the way in which this movie perfectly describes love in all its complexities and inconsistencies. love is hard if you make it hard and vice versa. the quote from toms little sister that i have put at the top is the perfect example of how the almost meaning of love has been presented in this beautifully complex film. 
    (yo was that mad gay?, ion rlly write dis typa gay shi)

  • Moonlight



    this film seems both incredibly complex and simple simultaneously. drug abuse, basic teenage angst, identity/sexuality crisis, the list goes on. the range of topics covered in this film does not overwhelm the viewer as one might expect, instead it seems to stimulate them in order to keep them thinking of their opinion on how chiron is reacting to whatever is happening to him messing that when his reaction is unexpected it catches the viewer off guard even more so.
    (das js me tho)
