No half stars.
Pod recs: Rewatchables, Big Picture, 70mm, Escape Hatch (Dune Pod)
Satirical, whimsical, absurdist, stage-y — not my favorite flavors and not at all what I expected. Wish I had seen this in college, but for now, not what I need. Loved the baby squirrel on the trunk after Death fell that tree, though.
This film feels like a spiritual successor to Catcher in the Rye for many reasons. Catcher's about a disaffected teenager who feels alienated from his friends and family wandering around NYC in search of ducks while overcoming the death of his little brother. Llewyn's about a disaffected folk singer who feels alienated from the folk music scene wandering around NYC in search of a cat while overcoming the death of his former musical partner. The ducks are Holden; the cat…
I did not like some of the choices in the final three minutes, and some sequences felt underbaked (or maybe overbaked), but if I were truly disappointed, would I be telling everyone to go see this movie? It just has a way of sticking with me. I left the theater in a daze. It's like a zombie movie but the strain of zombiism this time is Pure America. "What kind of American are you?" is one for the war movie…