Brett Firlik

Brett Firlik

For me, the action is the juice

Favorite films

  • Miami Vice
  • American Movie
  • Spirited Away
  • Sorcerer

Recent activity

  • Black Bag


  • Mickey 17


  • Zodiac


  • Manhunter


Recent reviews

  • Black Bag

    Black Bag


    Started grinning as soon as I heard David Holmes and never stopped. An absolute heater

  • Mickey 17

    Mickey 17


    Wish I liked this more than I did, but Pattinson is terrific as always and I respect and appreciate the swings that Bong Joon Ho takes. It’s often funny, if a bit soft around the edges and directionless at times. We need to get Mark Ruffalo back into some real acting roles.

    As the credits rolled, someone in the back of the theater said very loudly “Oh Bong Joon Ho made this??” which was a great reminder for me of how most normal people interact with and select the movies they watch.

Popular reviews

  • Cuckoo



    … but why?

    (Some good things going on though, namely the 35mm cinematography and our finest living actor Dan Stevens in top form)

  • Road House

    Road House


    Very frustrating - Jake G turns in a fun performance with some wonderful choices (he always does), but this looks bad, sounds bad, and takes itself too seriously. Most importantly, I'm genuinely baffled at how bad they made the fights look and feel. Whatever they did in post to alter the fight scenes is so distracting that I can't get past it. And as a cherry on top, Connor McGregor gives one of the worst performances in a studio film that I can remember. A misfire on many levels.