That. Was. Awful.
Full of continuity errors, nonsense plot, paper thin characters.....even production choices that make no sense to me.
That. Was. Awful.
Full of continuity errors, nonsense plot, paper thin characters.....even production choices that make no sense to me.
An absolutely beautiful, tear filled, phenomenal end to the trilogy.
Gunn is an amazing director and DC should be in good hands moving forward. This is the kind of talent that Marvel needs to keep around (and I think despite some rough recent movies, they have).
This was a significant improvement over the first, but overall I was still let down a little.
CGI shirtless Baahubali fighting at the end looking like a PS3 video game was a little jarring.
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Never have ever felt more connected to Raph than when he was doing frustration cartwheels on the roof.
But really I’m a Mikey fan for life.
Best Friend Reviews podcast episode coming soon! Check us out!
This is the best Spider-Man movie full stop. I fought against it being number 1 for a while, but when a movie can bring me to tears, over my Chick-fil-a, on my lunch break, when I'm not even watching the movie, I'm just finishing it up and I've seen it all before I know what happens I just want Miles and his dad to have a good relationship and I want Peter B. Parker to get back together with Mary Jane....
Anyways, this is the best Spider-man movie.
Best Friend Reviews podcast episode coming soon! Check us out!