Bridget Hiho

Bridget Hiho

Favorite films

  • Pulp Fiction
  • Once Upon a Time in Anatolia
  • Brokeback Mountain
  • The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Recent activity

  • Guardians of the Galaxy


  • Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

  • Planet of the Apes

  • Enough Said


Recent reviews

  • 12 Years a Slave

    12 Years a Slave


    Steve McQueen, what a terrific film you have put together here! I loved the casting, from Paul Dano, Benedict Cumberpatch, Brad Pitt, Michael Fassbender and Lupite Nyong'o, I was more than satisfied. Chiseled Ejiofer in the lead role played Solomon with conviction and heart... Who could forget the scene where he is strung up and made to move on his tippy toes in mud to keep from hanging, haunting....... And when his spirit breaks after beating Patsy after being so…

  • Blue Jasmine

    Blue Jasmine


    How does Woody Allen get into the heads of others so vividly? This film is a Woody winner! Loved the casting, Cate B is convincing and made for this role... Love and honesty are explored in this film and it's one that makes you think a lot about what's real and what's expected.... A memorable film, now on my list of Woody likes.

Popular reviews

  • Gravity



    My second Alfonso Cuaron film and once again I am utterly blown away! What a brilliant masterpiece of cinematography! i felt tense throughout this movie, on the edge and actually started to become dizzy more than once when the camera started spinning around floating space debris and pieces breaking off spacecrafts, I felt like I was travelling with the actors... I really want to see this movie again, so much to enjoy. I felt enthralled with the vulnerability of space…

  • Red Obsession

    Red Obsession


    Went to see this so I could once again travel through the wine regions of Bordeaux which I am greatly missing since my return to Australia. This documentary was informative and entertaining. Awesome time lapse photography and city skylines. Most memorable line for me after a look at the Chinese investments of the best Bordeaux wines was delivered by a French man who said " Aim to please rather than impress... " which will stay with me in the next few days...It was a great analysis of French and changing Chinese culture with humour, heart and history.
