Favorite films
Don’t forget to select your favorite films!
Don’t forget to select your favorite films!
Who’d thought that an accountant could be a superhero - a super accountant but here we have Ben ‘Batman’ Affleck play just that. Despite this seemingly silly idea, the film is entertaining. He is autistic too, which means Ben Affleck plays it like Terminator so it’s a hybrid Terminator/superhero film no less.
And if you want one of the most tense scenes in movie history , you get it here when Anna ‘Pitch Perfect’ Kendrick goes to kiss Ben Affleck. I won’t tell you what happens but I was hiding behind my couch.
Ignore everyone’s reviews. This is actually an sci fi slavey movie!
The subtext of a slavery theme allowed me to overcome this otherwise unoriginal Alien and Aliens mash-up with a Gen Z cast. The main protagonist Rain (played by Cailee Spaeny) is essentially an indentured worker who gets a debt doubled preventing her from her planet colony. Then she herself has a black synthetic called Andy played by the excellent David Jonsson, which in reality is her slave no matter…
It takes some effort to remove all tension for a movie but this movie does just that. For the first hour, everything goes swimmingly for Blake Lively. No challenges just every dream coming true. Then a sudden turn to domestic abuse but even that gets treated in a fantastical way. Who’d thought an abusive husband would walk away with a rational conversation.
Seems almost like a disrespectful film to victims of abuse but surely the Blake/Ryan duo can do no wrong.
Jake G is an idea. He should be good. He should make good films. But here we go again. He should spend less time in the gym and more time picking scripts.