

Favorite films

  • When Harry Met Sally...
  • Sense and Sensibility
  • Rocky
  • Rear Window

Recent activity

  • The Shining


  • Donnie Brasco

  • Fatal Attraction


  • Kramer vs. Kramer


Recent reviews

  • The Shining

    The Shining


    ‘‘Twas a great film. Stanley Kubrick is a psycho, but he mad a lethal film, Jack Nicholson (don’t know how to spell his name) was amazing, and Shelley Duvall was incredible, she was being gaslight by Stanley and within the Shining itself!!

    Stunning scenery and performances all round!!

  • Donnie Brasco

    Donnie Brasco

    This film was dung, I love Al Pacino and Johnny Depp but it was just so boring, and so long. Plus I am so stupid, I had no idea what was going on.

    This film: “Forget about it!!”

  • Fatal Attraction

    Fatal Attraction


    Glen Close is amazing and a complete psycho in this movie, how has she not won an Oscar, it’s a complete joke!!

    Word of warning: Do not watch the first 45 minutes with your family in the room, it’s a deadly combo of porn meets wrestlemania!!

  • Kramer vs. Kramer

    Kramer vs. Kramer


    Love this movie!! It’s so emotional, and the wee boy is amazing. Dustin and Meryl are a powerhouse duo and it’s a shame they never worked together again because they acted so well off each other.

    Love this movie and I am absolutely #TEAMTEDKRAMER!!
