Kills were genuinely good. Theo james is hot. Only thing is whole thing is so post ironic and awkwardly paced and it kinda gets annoying at times
Kills were genuinely good. Theo james is hot. Only thing is whole thing is so post ironic and awkwardly paced and it kinda gets annoying at times
Disservice to the og lore but this shit is a jolly good time cant wait for #2
This might b my first actual review i got so many words neways thought it was gonna be turned into a scifi romance and actually hated that but watched anyways cus i fuckedddddd with this book so much. Shit was horrific jus like i wanted it to be the fuckin elements of dis pullledd tf thru lemme tell yall. Love how they replicated the chapter art nd it takes written details nd turns it into actual feelingn so props. Doesnt…