bigpig bigpig

bigpig bigpig

Favorite films

  • Lawrence of Arabia
  • Fight Club
  • Gone Girl
  • The Mummy

Recent activity

  • Gunpowder Milkshake


  • The Fanatic


  • You Were Never Really Here


  • The Room


Recent reviews

  • Gunpowder Milkshake

    Gunpowder Milkshake


    its the kind of film that women and lgtbq+ who made comments under the music video "jenny" saying shit like "yes we lesbians turn into tigers" would watch and genuinely think women could do what happened in the movie. aka crazy world.

    basically if you want to watch an action flick that has absolutely zero stakes, where men are evil and the cause of everything bad, where the only redeeming feature is the passable action scenes and dont mind weird…

  • The Fanatic

    The Fanatic


    its like clockwork - letterboxd users are one of the most retarded people on the planet. this film is not bad as they say it is - its not trying to be lawrence of arabia and its not trying to copy anything marvel has done. its just travolta playing a different type of character with an interesting idea. regrettably the plot could use some beefing up and characters were pretty bland. however travolta plays an unhinged character decently well -…

Popular reviews

  • Starship Troopers: Traitor of Mars

    Starship Troopers: Traitor of Mars


    I want more ST like this one - gave me Roughneck vibes.

  • Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

    Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness


    it took 12+ years for the MCU (besides probably shang chi and one or two others) to have an actual superhero movie - because mainstream movie goers need "muh character development" for over a decade to get to a (god forbid) actual comic like superhero flick. jesus christ man.
