

17 years 
Don’t trust my ratings from like 2022 and back I was way too generous

Favorite films

  • Yi Yi
  • Y Tu Mamá También
  • Moonlight
  • Mean Girls

Recent activity

  • The Breakfast Club


  • Anyone But You


  • Waitress: The Musical

  • Shame

Recent reviews

  • Anyone But You

    Anyone But You


    Watched solely for Glen Powell

  • The Worst Person in the World

    The Worst Person in the World


    ”Det finns säkert saker om dig som jag minns, men som du har glömt. När jag är borta, är sakerna om dig borta också.”

Popular reviews

  • Sister Act

    Sister Act


    Mary Robert is a lesbian and she’s in love with Deloris, I don’t make the rules

  • Brüno



    The first and second half were like two different movies. I hated the first half cuz it was yucky. It was basically just indecent exposure and stuff that anybody would be grossed out by. The point was to make homophobes uncomfortable in their straightness and masculinity and also expose people’s homophobia. Everything after he has an epiphany and realizes he needs to become straight does just that and it’s fucking hilarious. I was dying at the military part where his Austrianess showed a bit too much😭
