Bijoux Alexanderplatz

Bijoux Alexanderplatz

Lifelong film fan, with a penchant for horror, musicals and holiday films.

Favorite films

  • The Exterminating Angel
  • Halloween
  • Top Hat
  • Fanny and Alexander

Recent activity

  • La Bamba


  • While You Were Sleeping


  • The Amazing Spider-Man 2


  • Prisoners


Recent reviews

  • Paranormal Activity

    Paranormal Activity


    I was skeptical of this film when I saw the first ads. I clearly remember the chaos that was The Blair Witch Project, and I feared that someone thought that "found footage" could work again. After all, when TBWP came out, the itnernet was not as ubiquitous. Peole didn't have smartphones or facebook. It was way easier to keep a film spoiler-free.

    Paranormal Activity surprised me in two ways.

    While I was sure everyone would know the found footage angle…

  • The Cabin in the Woods

    The Cabin in the Woods


    This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.

Popular reviews

  • This Is the End

    This Is the End


    One of the good things about This Is the End is that, once you've seen the preview, there's no mistaking what you're in for. It's a little "raunchy" (I only put that word in quotes because I hate using it. It's one of those words that just SOUNDS bad.) It's really goofy. It's actors playing quasi-real versions of themselves. And, of course, it takes place during the apocalypse.
    My concern with any comedy is one most audiences have: Are all…
