

i sort of like movies lol

Favorite films

  • Interstellar
  • Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
  • One and Only
  • 12 Angry Men

Recent activity

  • Tokyo Story


  • Batman Begins


  • nothing, except everything.

  • The Eight Hundred


Recent reviews

  • Tokyo Story

    Tokyo Story


    I saw this through two weeks in a Japanese literature course for and... dang...

    the whole film is definitely a slow burn for sure, but as I'm slowly coming to realize, maybe these kinds of movies are really the best... good things DO come to those who wait I guess

    the whole movie really mastered the mood of melancholy, and it worked really well because it didn't try to do or overtly day too much, so it didn't come off…

  • Batman Begins

    Batman Begins


    Saw this movie 'cause I've been hearing nonstop about how quintessential this trilogy is to the superhero movie canon, but ended up finding it kind of severely underwhelming...
    I feel like the actual messaging and thematic ideas really sorta all got lost in the sauce cause I really just finished the whole thing empty-handed--like, "oh crime is bad and the whole city is corrupt but these kind generous billionaire donor guys are saving everything" but then oh wait "no actually…

Popular reviews

  • nothing, except everything.

    nothing, except everything.

    could not even get myself to sit through this whole thing again bruh...

    What pains me so much is that just below the shiny, glossy packaging of the super nice production value and stuff, this movie really has NOTHING to say--like "oh what's the meaning of life??" "I dunno bruh there is no meaning and all our relationships will be over and amount to nothing and we'll forget everything bruh" like ok so then whats the point??? I mean I…

  • The Eight Hundred

    The Eight Hundred


    Heard a lot of pretty good things about this movie before seeing it... and honestly... it sort of did not live up to expectations to say the least I guess

    I mean sure the action and actual performances were pretty great... but that doesn't really make up for the fact that the movie doesn't really have a PLOT... or actual characters... or character motivations... or actual personal agency or growth/any development/any emotional depth besides literal propaganda...

    And I guess that's…