Pablo Macena

Pablo Macena

Favorite films

  • Uncut Gems
  • mid90s
  • A Bug's Life
  • Scenes from Childhood

Recent activity

  • Training Day


  • The Quiet Duel


  • Where the Forest Ends


  • Arrimo


Recent reviews

  • The Substance

    The Substance


    eu fiquei o filme inteirinho agonizado. sério, tava muito incomodado. o filme é todo MUITO detalhado e elevado ao extremo (tipo, sei lá, o chefe da emissora no começo do filme comendo. aquilo me causou muito incômodo).

    porem, o final eu gargalhei de dar risada. achei incrível ela jorrando sangue pra todo lado enquanto tocava um PUTA metal. absolute cinema.

    de resto, gostei muito da arte do filme, dos planos que a diretora selecionou e principalmente às críticas que ela trouxe!

  • Blue Velvet

    Blue Velvet


    Lynch makes us familiar with the content of the film from the very beginning. Mainly because of the colors!

    We have red roses, being shown right in the first scene. Red has a lot to do with sexual energy. I think this Rose symbolizes a Dorothy character. Which is a character that is very connected to sex. And then, we have another flower, only yellow. Yellow can represent many things, including innocence! I believe that Lynch wanted to make us…

Popular reviews

  • Barton Fink

    Barton Fink


    I don't know what to think about this movie. I feel used. they made me laugh, they made me hopeful, anguished, and in the end they left me with a cruel doubt ...
    maybe this movie is just a portrait of life as it is:
    A constant doubt
