
bitterrjuror Pro

I will always enjoy a movie even when I hate it

Favorite films

  • Clue
  • The Bling Ring
  • Easy A
  • Election

Recent activity

  • Holy Ghost People


  • Party Girl


  • Don't Talk to Irene


  • Hercules in the Haunted World


Recent reviews

  • Holy Ghost People

    Holy Ghost People


    Academically interesting if you are curious about Appalachia but… just not an amazing movie. The movie makers, oddly enough, largely stay behind the camera so well that you forget they’re there. And yet, I cannot shake the feeling that they went home and laughed at these country people. And that makes me SAD.

  • Party Girl

    Party Girl


    Really fun movie that I wanted to like a bit more than I did. Idk what I was expecting, but this was way more of a hangout movie than I was ready for. And hangout movies can be fun! And this WAS fun!

    Parker Posey is carrying it, though. And it’s so effortless to her, it’s crazy. I also love that this movies thesis kinda (to me, at least) seems to be that coming of age and growing up is ultimately realizing that everything kinda sucks and suffering comes with it. But there’s peace in that!

Popular reviews

  • Companion



    Loved this for so many reasons. First, Sophie Thatcher is so good in everything. Like crazy good.

    But this was just FUN and twisty!! And goofy, even.  Also philosophically interesting!!! AI conceptually is such an ethical/moral grey area, especially given the fact that all of our big time AI helpers at present have female names/voices (Alexa, Siri, etc.), and it’s interesting to consider some societal “why” behind it.

  • Anora



    Mikey Madison… I thought you needed Oscar buzz after Scream… so this was major for me.

    Saw this described as “Pretty Woman meets Uncut Gems” and that nailed it… but it was better than I was expecting.

    One of those movies I wish I was in a college class to discuss… so much about opportunity and mobility and who gets to truly enjoy life. Lovvvve
