This was a movie a coworker suggested I watch since I admitted my love for Eliza Dushku.
I am no longer speaking with that former coworker.
I enjoyed the first half of this movie. Not perfect, but the story had a flow and there were some good action scenes and chases. The CGI animals were obviously CGI, but I was fine with that. The bad dubbing didn't start jumping out at me until after that awesome chase scene in the middle when "Get the f*** out of my way" appears to be said by no one. Then I started noticing a lot of bad ADR.
In 1993, I took a literature course at Northwestern University taught by Professor Alfred Appel Jr., who was an expert in Vladimir Nabokov, modern art, and jazz modernism. A large part of this particular class was devoted to studying James Joyce's 1922 novel Ulysses, of which Appel said "One does not READ Ulysses; one Re-Reads Ulysses."
Anyway, that came to mind after seeing Hundreds of Beavers.
"One does not watch Hundreds of Beavers; one rewatches Hundreds of Beavers."
Great `90s soundtrack! For the first few seconds of Janeane Garofalo's introduction, carrying her magical bowling bag, we hear Jill Sobile's "Rainy Day Parade," which, after the fadeout, would begin with the lyrics, "I used to have the world in my handbag..."
How you feel about this movie may determine whether or not we'll be Great Friends or just good friends. Quote this movie in front me = Friend for Life.
With my love of obscure & lame superheroes & villains, this…