That’s Kino son
Favs= movies on the mind
How do you deal with that which can't be explained is what I feel the fundamental question of Picnic at Hanging Rock is.
It's no mistake that before she disappears Miss McCraw was looking at a math equation, something rational that can be answered. Miranda and the others disappearance is something that almost feels otherworldly. How could the youthful free spirit of the group be taken with no explanation. How could she leave Sara and everyone? How could there be…
A movie that I feel I need to rewatch to full grasp what I just witnessed
Moody in ways that mostly work very well. Went in expecting an erotic thriller. Instead got a very sad movie about grief, how we process it and empathy. Connections in places we never thought we’d find them.
Really makes you think it’s heading one way only to end up at a different location. The Thomas storyline and what it adds to the movie, what Egoyan goes for here is something I’ve never seen before.
Good movie that I’ll need to rewatch. I feel even more will be revealed then.
A letter to Bruce Timm
Dear Mr Timm,
First off I am a fan of your work and I get it, we all have things we fantasize about. Even creators. That being said... STOP trying to fulfill your superhero sex fantasies in DC animated movies. If you want to see Nightwing banging Harley Quinn i'm sure you could find some nice adult films online. Stop compromising your story.This movie is so tonally inconsistent I don't know what you were thinking.…