Rares Blajan

Rares Blajan

We have all the Time in the World
Sir Roger Moore fan 🎩

Favorite films

  • Lawrence of Arabia
  • The Godfather
  • Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith
  • Ikiru

Recent activity

  • An Affair to Remember


  • Evil Under the Sun


  • Dreams


  • Sanjuro


Recent reviews

  • An Affair to Remember

    An Affair to Remember


    I know it's a very famous film (and an influential one too),but even thought it's referenced a lot,I never really cared for any of its characters (yes,even Cary Grant unfortunately) nor understood the hype behind it.It's still a decent love story,but terribly underwhelming and overrated and,in my humble opinion, Slepless in Seattle did everything this movie couldn't and did it a whole lot better. 7/10

  • Evil Under the Sun

    Evil Under the Sun


    Poor Poirot, can't seem to catch a break even on vacation

Popular reviews

  • Malcolm X

    Malcolm X


    I'm no American,never was and probably never will be and as an European most of this stuff is unknown to us here and I won't pretend to understand what black people went through back then.But what I can do is appreciate this film for its message regarding equality and how all people are born as part of mankind,we are all of the same species and we should promote love and not hate,to help one another and not the opposite.

  • The Taking of Pelham One Two Three

    The Taking of Pelham One Two Three


    Astounding performances from everyone involved,especially Robert Shaw as the psychopath Mr.Blue,he's perhaps as menacing here as he was as Red Grant in From Russia With Love.A very suspensful and engaging thriller that proves that crime doesn't pay indeed,thought I was rooting for the hijackers to somehow make it, even if that way out proves to be,unironically,a dead end. 8/10