Brian Leary

Brian Leary Pro

Favorite films

  • Wild Strawberries
  • Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
  • 2001: A Space Odyssey
  • Mulholland Drive

Recent activity

  • Water Trix


  • One Million B.C.


  • Half Nelson


  • Babette's Feast


Recent reviews

  • Water Trix

    Water Trix


    The footage here is pretty fun (sort of reminds me of Strikes and Spares from 15 years earlier), but Pete Smith is really trying hard, even by his standards. His awkward speed and determination in telling bad jokes definitely reminded me of that episode of Community when Pierce hired a writing room to write him jokes for a cheesy movie riffing party.

  • One Million B.C.

    One Million B.C.


    Gotta say, a lot of my thoughts during this film were "haven't I seen this movie before, except sexier?". The reason why is that this film was remade 26 years later by Hammer Productions, starring Raquel Welch... but I didn't see that movie. Instead, I saw one of the subsequent Hammer films in their series of prehistoric films starring beautiful women in fur bikinis, 1970's When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth. All three films share some plot elements, as well as…

Popular reviews

  • Troy



    Me pressing play: "There better be a fucking big wooden horse in this"
    Me 150 minutes later: "Hell yeah"

  • Widow Clicquot

    Widow Clicquot


    I struggle with a rating here, because although it seems quite thoughtfully made, I found it immensely boring. In this true story of Madame Clicquot's struggle to gain success in the champagne business during the Napoleonic Wars in the wake of her husband's death, I learned from the title card at the end of the film that her innovative techniques changed the way champagne was made forever. I really wish that would have been a bigger part of this film,…