He found a new home.. *sniffles* he's a bear and that's alright... *sniffles*
...Anyway, if you couldn't figure it out, I spent the movie crying. What a beautiful little bear. What a beautiful movie. This is cinema. This is humanity.
He found a new home.. *sniffles* he's a bear and that's alright... *sniffles*
...Anyway, if you couldn't figure it out, I spent the movie crying. What a beautiful little bear. What a beautiful movie. This is cinema. This is humanity.
Politically very fascinating, you've got criticism of the police, of inequalities, of some aspects of football... The way rape is treated is also interesting in its own way, because the movie treats the way it is (/was, YMMV) viewed in society, on a more personal basis with the main character, and while the form is shocking, there's a clear ambition to question the myth of the boy who climbs to the first floor to meet his lover. That image is…
You know Sejanus wanted to kiss Coriolanus so hard