Nostalgia bait, the movie.
Denzel Washington the highlight. Pedro Pascal power tier > Paul Mescal the brooding widower.
The action scenes play old.
Nostalgia bait, the movie.
Denzel Washington the highlight. Pedro Pascal power tier > Paul Mescal the brooding widower.
The action scenes play old.
watch a guy get beaten up over the course of a few weeks
- twist
- turn
- high hats
- rumpus
A reminder that Michael Fassbender exists and can act.
Fun, action, suspense. What else do you need from a hit man movie?
Ummm… you doing okay mister Michael Mann?
The movie is terrific.
Soundtrack by Tangerine Dream. Ties the aesthetic perfectly. 1980s progressive-electronic; early krautrock; ambient-new/age-electronic.
Cinematography set us up for success almost every time. There were MANNy moments where I was scratching my head like, “why we lingering on this scene, bro?” Shot reverse shot never fails. Some fantastic action scenes. Particularly memorable was the final torch scene, playing high and low light.
Acting wise - James Caan is a one…