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  • Wolfwalkers
  • WALL·E

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Recent reviews

  • Borderline



    Doesn't have much going for it besides the performances and the visual style.
    Liked the delusional crazy guy but I really liked his insane French sidekick. She was basically the only one who could make me chuckle.
    Felt like the first half was trying a bit too hard, but when the fun in the house started the movie did hold my attention well enough.

  • Old Guy

    Old Guy


    Pretty sad to see the director of Con Air making movies like this. I want to blame him for this uninspired old guy hitman "comedy", since all of his movies in this century have been bad. He has a legendary actor signed on, and two really good ones, but he can barely get decent performances out of them. Well, I won't blame him for not cracking Lucy, haven't seen a good performance from her since I don't know when.

Popular reviews

  • Luca



    Many people say that this is not Pixar's best. I just don't see it. This might actually be my favourite one!!! (WALL-E is tough to beat tho).

    The world, the characters, the music, the atmosphere and OH MY GOSH the humor is through the roof fantastic! I was laughing at almost every single joke and smiling throughout the whole film, except the sad parts of course. That's only ever happened before with movies I have nostalgia for!🤯
    I'm saying this with total confidence - This is the funniest movie I've seen.

  • Dune



    Are you ready for this movie? You better be! Best movie of the year! Won't even consider a different rating for this film for now.
    The first 30 minutes I'm like: "yea this is pretty cool, the visuals are fantastic."
    The rest of it: 😮 (basically drooling)

    A movie this grand and magical doesn't happen every year. The movie I instantly wanted to compare it with after it finished is Avatar. An incredibly interesting world you get transported into without…