Austin Valley

Austin Valley

Favorite films

  • Terminator 2: Judgment Day
  • RRR
  • Mulholland Drive
  • Flow

Recent activity

  • Punch-Drunk Love


  • Chopping Mall


  • Dune: Part Two


  • Dune


Recent reviews

  • Punch-Drunk Love

    Punch-Drunk Love


    23 years ago, in the peak of my dvd collecting phase, I bought this movie solely on recommendation, and for 23 years it sat on my shelf, unwatched, passed over for the next movie and the next, and when it came up in conversation, people telling me how good it is, I would remind myself I need to watch that movie, and slowly time slipped away and I forgot I ever bought the dvd until today when I saw an…

  • Chopping Mall

    Chopping Mall


    When you combine cheesy 80’s mall culture, a bunch of 30-yr-old absurdly horny teenagers, and a few very polite, malfunctioning mall security murderbots, you’re going to have a good time.

Popular reviews

  • Nosferatu



    From here on out, all my dirty talk in the bedroom will be in Latin.

  • Jurassic Park III

    Jurassic Park III


    This movie is a 12-year-olds dream. “There’s Dinosaurs AND my parents are getting back together?! Awesome.”
