

too lazy to write but i love movies

Favorite films

  • We Made a Beautiful Bouquet
  • Us and Them
  • Dead Poets Society

Recent activity

  • Aloners


  • The Little Prince


  • The Breakfast Club


  • I Used to Be Funny


Recent reviews

  • Aloners



    do u guys know that time when maddy said, "wait is this fucking play about us?" yeah so is this fucking play about us

  • The Little Prince

    The Little Prince


    i remember i watched it pas aku masih smp atau sma awal. gaterlalu inget detail tapi aku inget banget kalo aku ngerasa ini film yang bleh bosenin karna aku ga bisa nangkep the meaning in this movie (mungkin karna ada dua paralel disini jadi aku gabisa bener bener paham kali ya waktu itu). decided to watch it again hari ini dan wow. it's genuinely refreshing and so so soooo beautiful.

    waktu kecil aku ngerasa aku pengen cepet cepet dewasa, mau…

Popular reviews

  • We Made a Beautiful Bouquet

    We Made a Beautiful Bouquet


    "when it comes to love, you can't share things, in love each person has to have their own."

    have you ever meet someone compatible to you to the point that everythings, like, EVERY things, semuanya yg kamu suka tu dia juga suka, pemikiran kalian dari a - z gapernah beda. alias kalian sama persis plek ketiplek. kalo kata orang kayak ketemu twin flames.

    same goes to mugi and kinu! their relationship started super sweet. but eventually they grew up. they…

  • April, Come She Will

    April, Come She Will


    i kinda get it why yayoi decided to run away, the fear that deepeneth inside her somehow got triggered again with the way Shun treat her tbh... from the very beginning it shows about how Shun who always do everything on its flow. jadi kayak hidupnya yaudah let it flow aja. trus jatohnya, his habbit itu jadi ngasih efek ke yayoi yang takut if someone she loves will gradually growing out love from her. man, just imagine as the time…