24. Not real.
“Your brain is a donut, your spirit’s a dry cup.”
The visual side alone makes this easy to endorse. Everything for kids is hyperactive nowadays, but that’s usually with infinitely more cynical prodding, much less grace (and awareness, and dedication, and genuine enthusiasm, etc). Ultra-elastic 2D animation out of the States, released theatrically with zero big-name pull to its name: a complete and utter unicorn. Leave it to those crazy Tunes.
Screening hosted by The Suspense is Killing Us: pretty much the only podcast I listen to. Can’t thank them enough for always being a massive comfort on long drives, and for making tonight such a gift. The film’s a red-hot jewel. Tremendous to experience a nice print on a medium-to-large screen, with hefty sound to boot. Seek it out.
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
Rob is fabulous here, and before I say anything disparaging: I have to first thank BJH for being the guy to unleash him in this way. My third eye opens wider and wider the more he becomes a sexy Roger Rabbit. It’s clear that he and I are comrades in this respect. What nags? Well, the satirical aspect just ends up sort of watery and garish, and distended, hoarding away precious fuel for a precise exploration of Mickey as a…