

Favorite films

  • Casablanca
  • The Princess Bride
  • Apocalypse Now
  • Schindler's List

Recent activity

  • Made in England: The Films of Powell and Pressburger


  • Sanctuary


  • Banel & Adama


  • American Epic


Recent reviews

  • The Feeling That the Time for Doing Something Has Passed

    The Feeling That the Time for Doing Something Has Passed


    The movie is a series of vignettes chronicling interactions with parents, long-term partners, hookups as well as work experiences in a corporate environment. This is meant to be a comedy and while some sequences are funny or enlightening in terms of the meaning (or lack of) in life, for me there was just not enough there.

    I saw the movie with a film festival crowd and here is a sample that may indicate whether you are crazy for this film…

  • Greener Pastures

    Greener Pastures


    This follows the story of multiple families facing a small dairy farm crisis. But it is also a story of suicide awareness as families face lower prices for what they sell, bills they can’t possibly pay and yet a love for the farming lifestyle. Each addresses their issues in a different way and without providing spoilers, the film does leave each family in a more hopeful place. How the filmmaker was able to chronicle such private moments is a small miracle. Highly recommended!

Popular reviews

  • Monk



    Any Monk fan should enjoy the footage from the Village Vanguard, a festival in Atlanta, Monk walking his neighborhood and a recording session with producer Teo Macero. This would benefit fromaccurate closed captions but sadly the ones here are close to worthless.