A real “fuck yeah, movies” kinda movie
High-fived myself and said “what a movie” while giggling multiple times after it ended (this conflicts with the tone of the movie, I know)
A real “fuck yeah, movies” kinda movie
High-fived myself and said “what a movie” while giggling multiple times after it ended (this conflicts with the tone of the movie, I know)
I said “oh my god, that’s so cool” to myself so many times you would think this was the first time I’ve seen this movie
Brought my suitcase to a 9am screening at amc Lincoln square and am now in a uber to LGA.
The men’s restroom line was so long. The bros were out this morning
Despite some projection issues making the intermission last nearly an hour. This was a great theatrical experience. Didn’t feel a loss of momentum into the second half I feared I might.
Lots to say, lots to chew on. Great performances, epic score, visually stunning, nifty, and a technical feat. Will be seeing this one in theaters again