Erik Cantú

Erik Cantú Patron

Favorite films

  • Decoder
  • Bubble Bath
  • Dog Star Man
  • Boy Meets Girl

Recent activity

  • Child's Play

  • The 'Teddy' Bears

  • Scum of the Earth!

  • Moonstruck

Pinned reviews

  • Targets



    I love Targets with every fiber of my being. On a personal level, I think of this movie at least once a day. I watched this for the first time on 5 cups of coffee, at like 4 in the morning, hyped way up the whole time, and it was the only thing I thought about the whole day after. The movie isn’t scary by modern standards, but its cold, clinical view of a man murdering innocent people with no…

Recent reviews

  • Lost in Space

    Lost in Space

    Might be biased cause this was one of my favorite films as a kid(also the Apollo 440 cover of the theme has been one of my favorite songs for as long as I can remember and is probably responsible for my undying love for 90’s electronic), but even if this kinda gets dumb in the last quarter or so it still is a super fun romp of Y2K sci-fi kitsch. This does not deserve the low rating it has now. 

    Y2K-era Erik had solid taste!

  • Blonde Cobra

    Blonde Cobra

    The reason why this was included in 1001 Movies You Must See is because it has the single greatest stabbing scene in all of cinema

Popular reviews

  • Angels of Passion

    Angels of Passion


    Who else cranked one to celebrate the song’s discovery?

  • August Underground

    August Underground


    Movies you can smell