Watching the ending of the first movie straight into the beginning of this one is like the little line of frosting in between cake that is actually just bread.
And in both cases I say “yeah fuck it I’ll have another”
Times paused to feel shit: 1
Tears shed: Nonzero
Time spent yearning for Europe: More than I would like to admit
Waiter! I think I got someone’s ordinary slice of life too-human think piece by mistake, I ordered the scumbag pessimistic satire with dark comedy elements…no this is fine it’s probably better for me anyway…yeah it’s all good I think I am gonna stare at the wall for a bit though don’t mind me
Masterclass in costuming, color grading, lighting, and most importantly, practical effects. It looks absolutely gorgeous and sounds fucking horrendous…like seriously it may be a little overtuned with the sound effects there are only so many wet squelches I can take. I know I’m late to the party but this is a classic in the making at a time when I worry about preserving the artistry of filmmaking. Exactly the right thing at the right time, shout out to the absolute freaks who pulled this off you guys are disgustingly awesome.