

I love movies! I wanna work in them some day!

Favorite films

  • Arrival
  • Her
  • The Matrix
  • The Truman Show

Recent activity

  • Dinner in America


  • 10 Cloverfield Lane


  • Twisters


  • Moonfall

Recent reviews

  • Dinner in America

    Dinner in America


    Like if Napoleon Dynamite went crust punk. I really loved the casting.

  • 10 Cloverfield Lane

    10 Cloverfield Lane


    A tense, well-cast thriller where everyone pulls their weight to make this bottle episode of a movie work (and work it does!)... until the ending, which is so confidently bizarre and left-field in tone that I can't even dislike it. It's not like the movie didn't directly tell us what had happened topside in the first thirty minutes. But man... how odd!

Popular reviews

  • Ouija: Origin of Evil

    Ouija: Origin of Evil


    Three star average? Did we all watch the same movie?

  • No Escape Room

    No Escape Room

    This movie is the very definition of suspenseful—in that watching it felt like being trussed up and gutted as one would butcher a pig carcass.
    I feel bad for all the below-line crew for being a part of this tire fire. I hope they got paid enough. I watched this for free and I wasn't paid enough.