

Favorite films

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  • Forrest Gump
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Recent reviews

  • Joe Bell

    Joe Bell


    Well, I thoroughly did not realize how this story was going to end, so there's that.

    I think it was a story worth telling, and I think it could have been told a bit better, especially with a stronger leasing performance. I don't dislike Wahlberg, but this wasn't him at his best.

    I don't know what else to say, really, it's tough when I agree with a film's message, but not it's execution.

  • Reindeer Games

    Reindeer Games


    I love this stupid script.
    I love this stupid movie.
    I hate Gary Sinise's wig.

Popular reviews

  • Mickey Hardaway

    Mickey Hardaway


    This is a toughie for me, as it's the first time I'm reviewing a film that someone I consider a friend created. There's no way to truly remove bias, and so I will not try.

    For the last several years, I have seen Marcellus Cox embody the true meaning of the phrase "be on that grind". The fruition of those efforts, to see the forever promised first feature on the big screen felt like one of MY proudest moments.


  • Halloween Ends

    Halloween Ends


    This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.