

Aspiring Film and Game critic. KING of the room-temperature take.

Favorite films

  • 12 Angry Men
  • Pulp Fiction
  • The Matrix
  • The Truman Show

Recent activity

  • Mickey 17


  • Y2K


  • Joker: Folie à Deux


  • Megalopolis


Recent reviews

  • Mickey 17

    Mickey 17


    Truly depressing to see a concept which should have been a feature-length Sci-Fi Twilight Zone episode shuffled to the background because Bong is incapable of writing anything that isn't low-hanging, surface-level classism commentary fit for the stoner table at a high school cafeteria.

    Can't really recommend a movie whose entire punch hinges on a political outcome that didn't happen and your awareness of Starship Troopers (1997) discourse on Twitter circa early 2024.

    At least it looks decent and Pattinson gives…

  • Y2K



    If you're over 30 or under 20, pipe the fuck down! This shit is not for you!

Popular reviews

  • Black Widow

    Black Widow


    How to die FAST: take a drink every time someone says the word "Avenger" or has to otherwise remind you that this is tangentially related to other, better movies that you liked and because of that you're obligated to care about this one.
    The only cool thing in this movie is the title sequence set to a Smells Like Teen Spirit cover. After that's over it's the most pedantic, predictable action-quip flick you can imagine with dull characters, forced emotional…

  • Flashdance



    Michelangelo believed that when he would craft his statues, he was not chiseling away at marble until it began to resemble a man; rather, the image of the man or angel he was sculpting was always inside the marble, and that he was simply freeing it by breaking the marble around it.
    In a similar regard, I'm not adding Flashdance to my list of my favorite films of all time because it's some 38-year-old sexy 80's dance movie that I…
