A proof that every talent need a salesman who actually understand him and who's not here only for the money.
Great performances specially Glenn Howerton.
A proof that every talent need a salesman who actually understand him and who's not here only for the money.
Great performances specially Glenn Howerton.
This movie got so much ambitions but everything is just boring.
They managed to turn an horror dystopian book into a wana be goofy ahh adventure thing but even by doing it, we do not feel anything for everyone involved and it's not even funny at all. Some Special effects were crazy but some other bots looked weird af I don't know this is bad anyway.
Chris Pratt is definitely getting a Razzie this year.
Still bad, better than part 1 ( not hard to be honest ) but still messy as hell, bland characters and over the top slow mo but idk, some action scenes were kinda cool, And i get to see Bae Doona doing some cool shit. But, it's still bad when you remember that fucking Dune 2 came out this year lmao, this man just need a proper writter.
Also i wanted more of James the robot so bad litteraly the…
Day 3 AniMAYTion 2024
Still an absolute classic, I still think that "A nightmare before Christmas" is the best Henry Selick movie but this one come really close. Based on a novel by one of my favourite author Neil Gaiman it just fits perfectly with the clay animation creepy weirdness of Henry Selick. I definitely have to check the book.