“Never, oh! Never, nothing will die; The stream flows, the wind blows, the cloud fleets, the heart beats. Nothing will die.”
RIP to a true genius
“Never, oh! Never, nothing will die; The stream flows, the wind blows, the cloud fleets, the heart beats. Nothing will die.”
RIP to a true genius
Insufferable, twee bullshit. I couldn’t tell at first if Raiff was playing his character as a parody of a manic, overbearingly nice, overbearingly empathetic, overbearingly “charming” zoomer/millennial (he’s right on the cut-off), but I quickly realized the film doesn’t have a thought in it’s head besides Raiff’s sincere belief that a guy like him should get to fuck Dakota Johnson….. Stunningly tone-deaf, stunningly unambitious, and stunningly bad.
I’m sorry for doubting you, DGG. A monumental leap over the DOA first entry, HALLOWEEN KILLS is fueled by anger and introspection, a great combination in horror film. Is that introspection profound: not exactly, what with on the nose lines like “Maybe we’re the monsters,” but at least it’s a POV, and here the filmmakers bring ideas to the series whereas in the first entry they merely brought world-building. There’s that too in this one, but the writers are having…