dear 40 year old bradley,
i hope you’re not divorced
beautiful homos, huge
the end is somehow even more exhilarating on rerererewatch. saw it w daphne, lost our minds, and came out of the theater and saw ricky paige gabe kelsey and jenny and travis. how’d i get so lucky
its transgender tuesday
having been 14 and watching buffy the vampire slayer as an escape from my miserable and lonely life, and that upon rewatching one day as a 20 year old, being still confused, realized that I always wanted to be willow, setting off more or less the chain of experiments that has lead me here, you may believe that I adore this movie, that nothing has touched this part of me quite like this did, martin scorsese was right, so lucky to have lived the life i have, and there really is always still time 🩵