

can’t be held responsible for some of these choices

Favorite films

  • Scream
  • (500) Days of Summer
  • The Social Network
  • How the Grinch Stole Christmas

Recent activity

  • Step Brothers

  • Hot Fuzz


  • Mystic Pizza

  • Set It Up

Recent reviews

  • Step Brothers

    Step Brothers

    Will Ferrell is like … Jim Carey’s wario to me. I won’t lie he has delivered some of the most quotable lines in comedy this side of the millennium but he has a very specific brand of overacting I can only cope with sometimes. has he ever had a serious acting phase or is the whole career just him being a menace to comedy films for three decades. anyway this was better when I was 13 and Kathryn Hahn is still very good in this

  • Hot Fuzz

    Hot Fuzz


    it’s not quite as good as Shaun of the dead but it’s still excellent. forever obsessed with how Edgar Wright shoots/edits and how intense it is. relentlessly funny (love the repetition throughout) and properly sinister.

Popular reviews

  • Anora



    one more time before the rental runs out <3 so much I ADORE about this film and yeah shit watching it twice in the same 48 hours really made me appreciate a bunch of it way more. some bits that have been bouncing around my mind since:
    - the bit immediately after they get married that feels genuinely euphoric 
    - the reveal of where ivan is when tatu plays 
    - mikey’s facial acting throughout but specifically when ivan loses everything…

  • Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person

    Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person


    THOROUGHLY enjoyed this. can’t believe I’m saying it was SWEET and WHOLESOME but it’s genuinely so warm. gorgeous to look at and whip smart, properly fresh take on the vampire thing
